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Maritime Museum

By 20 October 2022November 28th, 2022No Comments
Year 6 have had a “wow” start to their new theme, “The Tragic Titanic”. We travelled to the Maritime Museum in Liverpool to explore a huge array of artefacts and memorabilia, linked to the infamous “unsinkable” boat. They also took part in a workshop, exploring the building of the boat, the fortunate and not so fortunate passengers, as well as the reasons behind why it actually sank.
The Year 6 staff were Proud Peacocks, because, as always, our children behaved impeccably and were a credit to Bramford. They listened well, they thought carefully when answering questions, and were Exploring Elephants, using the displays to develop a super knowledge about our new topic. Now, we can’t wait to be I Know Rhinos and learn more about this iconic boat.